The remix and original videos were viewed more than 20,000 times on
YouTube, reposted on political blogs and social networking sites, even
projected in the New Hampshire campaign office window. Forth wrote the scripts
for both spots.
Hybrid had given approval pending payment for the use
of their music in a TV ad, but the campaign came to a sudden end within
days of completing the TV version of the spot.
Koo-sin-ich t-shirts and buttons using the same designs were made
available in conjunction with the videos to give supporters a visual
aid as well as a fun way to engage with voters, assisting recall of the
name by having them say it aloud.
Deluged with a litany of endless distractions; a choreographed drama
that preys upon our passions and prejudices, a stacked primary process
in which the votes of two states are held hostage like two aces under
the table, a nomination process that will end in a scripted marriage of
the two “opposing” sides of the same coin; who will ask the obvious
question being minimized by this reality television version of our
democratic process? When they ask you who you are for, ask them “how ‘bout ending the war?”
Forth was involved in the 2004 Kucinich campaign as well. With a design team already in place, Forth’s contributions to the campaign were made on a local level. Forth designed a flyer to capitalize on
Kucinich’s reciept of the top line on the NYS ballot. The flyer, based on George Lois’ campaign designs, was handed out on
a march through Park Slope, Brooklyn where Thomas Gallagher ran as a Kucinich Delegate. Source Video - Cielito Pascual. Editing / Sound Synch - Thomas Gallagher (Forth). Posters featured in the video designed by
George Lois.